Tuesday 15 March 2016

A Madonna costume...

The John-Paul Gaultier cone corsets would have to be one of the most iconic costumes that Madonna has worn. So with a group of us going to the concert and the call out to wear something suitably "Madonna-esque" I decided to take on the challenge.
I didn't start till just a few days before so I spent a fair bit of time thinking about how I'd tackle it. Purchasing the fabric and other bits and pieces didn't take long - it was just a rush of two nights sewing at the end!
But when I went to start, I couldn't get my head around what shape to cut for the "cup" part, so I sacrificed an old bra to get an idea for that. Then I marked circles and with two layers of calico and a layer of the thin wadding between, I stitched like a mad thing around all the circles.
Then I had to close up where the V opening was (to make a dart) and bob's your uncle: two cones.
I'd bought a super-cheap e-bay corset thingy because I'd originally thought I might sew the parts to it but that idea went by the wayside. What it did give me was an idea of the shapes to cut out. Which I stitched fast and furious to get that quilted look.
Then I finished the edges with bias binding and put in a zip to do it up the front. Some heavy ribbon for straps, smaller ribbon and suspender clips, and a few little bows finished it off.

The full costume had suit trousers and a jacket for modesty (with a couple of slashes - ha!).

And the concert was a blast!

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