Monday, 1 August 2016

Knit a pet?

A couple of years ago, I started this cute as, knitted border collie that I never got around to finishing until just last week.  I think people have called them UFOs - UnFinished Objects, so finishing it is kind of hard to believe! The pattern was in a book called Best in Show knit your own dog by Sally Muir and Joanna Osborne.
It only stands about 10cm tall, so there wasn't alot of knitting to it, I just put it away and didn't come back to it. I only had a few small pieces left to finish (like ears, and tail) so without too much trouble, I soon had a little mound of knitted pieces and loose tails (no pun intended). Once I laid them out, I could see the parts that would make up the whole.
With a bit of stitching up of the body, it started to take shape even more so.
And before I knew it, the puppy had been born! 
                                                 Why did I take so long to finish it???